Run the MCMC algorithm for a STAR Bayesian additive model The transformation can be known (e.g., log or sqrt) or unknown (Box-Cox or estimated nonparametrically) for greater flexibility.
splinetype = "orthogonal",
transformation = "np",
y_max = Inf,
nsave = 1000,
nburn = 1000,
nskip = 0,
save_y_hat = FALSE,
verbose = TRUE
- y
n x 1
vector of observed counts- X_lin
n x pL
matrix of predictors to be modelled as linear- X_nonlin
n x pNL
matrix of predictors to be modelled as nonlinear- splinetype
Type of spline to use for modelling the nonlinear predictors; must be either "orthogonal" (orthogonalized splines--the default) or "thinplate" (low-rank thin plate splines)
- transformation
transformation to use for the latent data; must be one of
"identity" (identity transformation)
"log" (log transformation)
"sqrt" (square root transformation)
"np" (nonparametric transformation estimated from empirical CDF)
"pois" (transformation for moment-matched marginal Poisson CDF)
"neg-bin" (transformation for moment-matched marginal Negative Binomial CDF)
"box-cox" (box-cox transformation with learned parameter)
"ispline" (transformation is modeled as unknown, monotone function using I-splines)
- y_max
a fixed and known upper bound for all observations; default is
- nsave
number of MCMC iterations to save
- nburn
number of MCMC iterations to discard
- nskip
number of MCMC iterations to skip between saving iterations, i.e., save every (nskip + 1)th draw
- save_y_hat
logical; if TRUE, compute and save the posterior draws of the expected counts, E(y), which may be slow to compute
- verbose
logical; if TRUE, print time remaining
a list with at least the following elements:
: the posterior mean of the coefficientsfitted.values
: the posterior mean of the conditional expectation of the countsy
: posterior draws of the coefficientspost.fitted.values
: posterior draws of the conditional mean of the countsy
: draws from the posterior predictive distribution ofy
: draws from the posterior distribution oflambda
: draws from the posterior distribution ofsigma
: draws of the log-likelihood for each of then
: Widely-Applicable/Watanabe-Akaike Information Criterionp_waic
: Effective number of parameters based on WAIC
In the case of transformation="ispline"
, the list also contains
: draws from the posterior distribution of the transformationg
: draws from the posterior distribution ofsigma.gamma
, the prior standard deviation of the transformation g() coefficients
STAR defines a count-valued probability model by (1) specifying a Gaussian model for continuous *latent* data and (2) connecting the latent data to the observed data via a *transformation and rounding* operation.
Posterior and predictive inference is obtained via a Gibbs sampler that combines (i) a latent data augmentation step (like in probit regression) and (ii) an existing sampler for a continuous data model.
There are several options for the transformation. First, the transformation
can belong to the *Box-Cox* family, which includes the known transformations
'identity', 'log', and 'sqrt', as well as a version in which the Box-Cox parameter
is inferred within the MCMC sampler ('box-cox'). Second, the transformation
can be estimated (before model fitting) using the empirical distribution of the
data y
. Options in this case include the empirical cumulative
distribution function (CDF), which is fully nonparametric ('np'), or the parametric
alternatives based on Poisson ('pois') or Negative-Binomial ('neg-bin')
distributions. For the parametric distributions, the parameters of the distribution
are estimated using moments (means and variances) of y
. Third, the transformation can be
modeled as an unknown, monotone function using I-splines ('ispline'). The
Robust Adaptive Metropolis (RAM) sampler is used for drawing the parameter
of the transformation function.
# \donttest{
# Simulate data with count-valued response y:
sim_dat = simulate_nb_friedman(n = 100, p = 5, seed=32)
y = sim_dat$y; X = sim_dat$X
# Linear and nonlinear components:
X_lin = as.matrix(X[,-(1:3)])
X_nonlin = as.matrix(X[,(1:3)])
# STAR: nonparametric transformation
fit = bam_star(y = y, X_lin = X_lin, X_nonlin = X_nonlin)
#> [1] "Burn-In Period"
#> [1] "Starting sampling"
#> [1] "-0.01 seconds remaining"
#> [1] "Total time: 27 seconds"
# What is included:
#> [1] "coefficients" "post.coefficients" "post.pred"
#> [4] "post.predtest" "post.sigma" ""
#> [7] "WAIC" "p_waic" "post.lambda"
#> [10] "fitted.values" "post.fitted.values"
# Posterior mean of each coefficient:
#> beta_lin1 beta_lin2 beta_lin3 beta_lin4 beta_lin5
#> 4.849553e-01 -9.844473e-02 2.112875e-01 3.457011e-01 -5.990038e-02
#> f_j1 f_j2 f_j3 f_j4 f_j5
#> 1.015439e-02 6.186467e-02 1.887529e-01 1.393624e-01 -2.635504e-01
#> f_j6 f_j7 f_j8 f_j9 f_j10
#> 3.096598e-01 1.539452e-01 2.198692e-01 1.073200e-01 -6.852183e-02
#> f_j11 f_j12 f_j13 f_j14 f_j15
#> 9.840488e-02 -1.192382e-01 7.184468e-02 1.655447e-01 -1.636809e-01
#> f_j16 f_j17 f_j18 f_j19 f_j20
#> 1.511202e-01 1.825797e-01 -4.523562e-02 7.770523e-02 2.655978e-01
#> f_j21 f_j22 f_j23 f_j24 f_j25
#> 1.126634e-01 2.511618e-01 -1.802007e-02 -2.764885e-01 5.368532e-02
#> f_j26 f_j27 f_j28 f_j29 f_j30
#> 3.338221e-01 -1.649638e-02 1.685891e-02 3.015832e-02 7.163969e-02
#> f_j31 f_j32 f_j33 f_j34 f_j35
#> -6.326433e-02 1.996706e-01 2.684669e-01 2.024368e-01 -3.002365e-02
#> f_j36 f_j37 f_j38 f_j39 f_j40
#> 1.628551e-01 1.843565e-02 -2.670556e-01 1.814901e-01 3.378932e-01
#> f_j41 f_j42 f_j43 f_j44 f_j45
#> -6.967785e-02 1.574249e-01 -2.762269e-01 2.743747e-02 2.008084e-01
#> f_j46 f_j47 f_j48 f_j49 f_j50
#> -2.003650e-01 8.850640e-02 3.163510e-01 1.641973e-01 -3.574127e-01
#> f_j51 f_j52 f_j53 f_j54 f_j55
#> 1.903302e-01 3.059019e-01 1.235127e-01 -9.751814e-02 -4.062758e-01
#> f_j56 f_j57 f_j58 f_j59 f_j60
#> -4.278529e-01 2.085722e-01 2.329737e-01 1.122958e-01 3.101053e-01
#> f_j61 f_j62 f_j63 f_j64 f_j65
#> 1.790396e-01 -2.826231e-01 1.356264e-01 -2.251938e-01 -2.121353e-01
#> f_j66 f_j67 f_j68 f_j69 f_j70
#> 3.483099e-01 2.153971e-01 -3.049449e-01 2.944546e-01 -5.170414e-02
#> f_j71 f_j72 f_j73 f_j74 f_j75
#> 2.089114e-01 -1.736095e-01 -2.274735e-02 -3.965110e-01 -3.030856e-01
#> f_j76 f_j77 f_j78 f_j79 f_j80
#> -1.989557e-01 1.493029e-01 -2.999672e-01 -7.402775e-02 -7.310110e-02
#> f_j81 f_j82 f_j83 f_j84 f_j85
#> 2.551681e-02 3.004657e-02 2.608051e-02 -4.203799e-01 -2.401758e-01
#> f_j86 f_j87 f_j88 f_j89 f_j90
#> 2.576076e-02 -2.318883e-02 2.263757e-01 -2.277064e-01 2.264860e-01
#> f_j91 f_j92 f_j93 f_j94 f_j95
#> -3.666942e-01 -1.217160e-01 -2.901900e-01 -1.131730e-01 -1.611680e-01
#> f_j96 f_j97 f_j98 f_j99 f_j100
#> -3.592445e-01 -1.685916e-01 -6.016295e-02 -3.101295e-01 -3.266571e-01
#> f_j101 f_j102 f_j103 f_j104 f_j105
#> 2.667322e-01 4.922053e-01 -1.069602e-02 -4.875935e-01 -1.338805e-01
#> f_j106 f_j107 f_j108 f_j109 f_j110
#> 4.273025e-01 5.379545e-02 3.651966e-01 -4.471073e-01 3.581969e-01
#> f_j111 f_j112 f_j113 f_j114 f_j115
#> -2.363343e-01 -3.598158e-01 4.146551e-01 -3.228591e-01 -7.668570e-03
#> f_j116 f_j117 f_j118 f_j119 f_j120
#> 5.821080e-01 4.478373e-01 -2.423650e-01 -1.841927e-01 -5.696989e-02
#> f_j121 f_j122 f_j123 f_j124 f_j125
#> -3.312868e-01 5.672789e-01 -5.016086e-01 1.963290e-01 -5.896813e-02
#> f_j126 f_j127 f_j128 f_j129 f_j130
#> -2.668449e-01 1.934559e-01 -7.069197e-02 1.487082e-01 -4.156384e-01
#> f_j131 f_j132 f_j133 f_j134 f_j135
#> -3.035879e-01 1.487018e-01 -2.537371e-01 8.600796e-02 2.808255e-01
#> f_j136 f_j137 f_j138 f_j139 f_j140
#> 2.139386e-01 2.741226e-01 4.600725e-02 6.629853e-02 -3.848296e-01
#> f_j141 f_j142 f_j143 f_j144 f_j145
#> -3.609607e-01 -4.580388e-01 2.411985e-01 5.876189e-01 2.563360e-01
#> f_j146 f_j147 f_j148 f_j149 f_j150
#> 5.999405e-01 -1.518753e-01 8.369444e-02 -2.857929e-01 -3.697154e-01
#> f_j151 f_j152 f_j153 f_j154 f_j155
#> -8.485407e-02 -3.519104e-01 5.557219e-01 -2.304672e-01 -5.201529e-01
#> f_j156 f_j157 f_j158 f_j159 f_j160
#> 6.290472e-01 2.500025e-01 -1.748695e-01 -1.066620e-01 -4.878426e-01
#> f_j161 f_j162 f_j163 f_j164 f_j165
#> 5.509638e-01 3.281961e-01 -3.827043e-01 6.073153e-01 -3.797893e-01
#> f_j166 f_j167 f_j168 f_j169 f_j170
#> 3.425536e-01 -4.916739e-01 2.194192e-01 2.159419e-01 1.480891e-01
#> f_j171 f_j172 f_j173 f_j174 f_j175
#> 5.015089e-01 -3.475583e-01 4.626021e-01 -4.284760e-01 1.694648e-01
#> f_j176 f_j177 f_j178 f_j179 f_j180
#> -1.744059e-03 4.313754e-01 2.137441e-01 -2.429365e-01 -3.590415e-01
#> f_j181 f_j182 f_j183 f_j184 f_j185
#> -1.562685e-01 -4.895912e-01 1.418749e-01 -4.692466e-01 5.427964e-01
#> f_j186 f_j187 f_j188 f_j189 f_j190
#> -3.431726e-01 5.477686e-01 -1.418614e-01 3.545608e-01 1.900015e-01
#> f_j191 f_j192 f_j193 f_j194 f_j195
#> 2.039799e-01 5.290709e-02 -2.458091e-01 -3.100213e-01 -1.508979e-01
#> f_j196 f_j197 f_j198 f_j199 f_j200
#> -3.493571e-01 -2.197984e-01 -4.479175e-01 8.018299e-02 -5.208270e-01
#> f_j201 f_j202 f_j203 f_j204 f_j205
#> 4.680027e-02 1.279592e-02 -4.118792e-02 5.303648e-02 2.177169e-02
#> f_j206 f_j207 f_j208 f_j209 f_j210
#> 6.162988e-02 2.681978e-02 2.175273e-03 -5.715551e-03 6.292454e-02
#> f_j211 f_j212 f_j213 f_j214 f_j215
#> 4.539798e-02 1.292490e-02 -2.438377e-03 -5.024292e-02 -3.605321e-02
#> f_j216 f_j217 f_j218 f_j219 f_j220
#> 4.270034e-02 -3.506045e-03 -2.919392e-03 -1.754997e-02 -3.357347e-02
#> f_j221 f_j222 f_j223 f_j224 f_j225
#> 4.923791e-02 -1.275079e-02 5.711102e-02 -5.983778e-02 -1.401392e-01
#> f_j226 f_j227 f_j228 f_j229 f_j230
#> 4.430688e-02 5.738915e-02 7.177873e-02 3.630835e-03 6.908686e-02
#> f_j231 f_j232 f_j233 f_j234 f_j235
#> 7.053329e-02 6.805429e-02 -1.352606e-01 6.713425e-02 3.843074e-02
#> f_j236 f_j237 f_j238 f_j239 f_j240
#> -1.709503e-02 5.611307e-02 -2.225475e-02 7.208212e-05 5.869824e-02
#> f_j241 f_j242 f_j243 f_j244 f_j245
#> 3.159638e-02 6.050307e-02 -1.382525e-01 4.556591e-02 3.416840e-02
#> f_j246 f_j247 f_j248 f_j249 f_j250
#> 4.144189e-02 -6.703148e-02 7.180215e-02 -6.086902e-02 4.682029e-02
#> f_j251 f_j252 f_j253 f_j254 f_j255
#> -1.306620e-01 -7.520667e-02 -1.373847e-01 7.914209e-03 4.839113e-02
#> f_j256 f_j257 f_j258 f_j259 f_j260
#> 5.096559e-02 -1.057167e-01 -1.134617e-01 -7.845069e-02 5.787978e-02
#> f_j261 f_j262 f_j263 f_j264 f_j265
#> -3.464109e-02 -9.086745e-02 -1.240114e-01 -7.628591e-02 4.603567e-02
#> f_j266 f_j267 f_j268 f_j269 f_j270
#> 4.519459e-02 6.061627e-02 5.651794e-02 5.409951e-02 -9.540204e-02
#> f_j271 f_j272 f_j273 f_j274 f_j275
#> 5.435055e-02 1.594741e-02 -7.902410e-03 -9.093276e-02 1.877592e-02
#> f_j276 f_j277 f_j278 f_j279 f_j280
#> 4.977865e-02 4.846383e-02 -7.307506e-02 5.692034e-02 -5.873316e-02
#> f_j281 f_j282 f_j283 f_j284 f_j285
#> -3.713113e-02 2.504136e-02 -7.155930e-03 5.803859e-02 -6.879177e-02
#> f_j286 f_j287 f_j288 f_j289 f_j290
#> -1.869993e-02 2.605053e-02 -6.645597e-02 6.667880e-03 1.736252e-02
#> f_j291 f_j292 f_j293 f_j294 f_j295
#> 6.649086e-02 1.658626e-02 7.173672e-02 -2.642314e-02 -1.384949e-01
#> f_j296 f_j297 f_j298 f_j299 f_j300
#> -7.735410e-03 5.309431e-02 4.862763e-02 6.965745e-02 -5.335790e-02
#> theta_j1 theta_j2 theta_j3 theta_j4 theta_j5
#> 5.511964e-03 -3.547121e-02 5.177035e-02 5.622327e-02 2.648950e-02
#> theta_j6 theta_j7 theta_j8 theta_j9 theta_j10
#> 1.484805e-02 -2.561068e-02 -3.145342e-02 1.618344e-02 4.609276e-02
#> theta_j11 theta_j12 theta_j13 theta_j14 theta_j15
#> 6.918443e-02 -3.046492e-02 -3.372859e-02 3.616988e-02 -3.616866e-03
#> theta_j16 theta_j17 theta_j18 theta_j19 theta_j20
#> 1.662726e-02 -1.830267e-02 1.085889e-02 1.566433e-02 2.737865e-02
#> theta_j21 theta_j22 theta_j23 theta_j24 sigma_beta1
#> 1.666489e-02 -2.826058e-03 -6.770128e-02 2.566466e-02 1.000000e+03
#> sigma_beta2 sigma_beta3 sigma_beta4 sigma_beta5 sigma_theta_j1
#> 3.598467e-01 3.598467e-01 3.598467e-01 3.598467e-01 1.055570e+00
#> sigma_theta_j2 sigma_theta_j3
#> 9.433258e-01 1.031847e+00
#> [1] 378.1769
# MCMC diagnostics:
# Posterior predictive check:
hist(apply(fit$post.pred, 1,
function(x) mean(x==0)), main = 'Proportion of Zeros', xlab='');
abline(v = mean(y==0), lwd=4, col ='blue')
# }